Love Stories

At our performances we play many love songs.   Sometimes "The Cats" spark a flame and romance happens.   Below are two real letters from audience members who wrote to us.  Please enjoy!   If something romantic happens to you at a Cat performace, write to us by clicking  Here       

I'm in the Mood For Love

Myth or Musical Motivator 

Last week I found myself at the quaint little outside venue known as the Sandbar.  While waiting for another frosted beverage to calm my woes and lift my down trodden spirits, I faintly heard the lead singer of the locally hired band (The band name escapes me. I believe it was the Sassy Felines or the Nighttime Sphinxes or Evenings Siamese…. Something nocturnal) anyway, this lead singer started spouting off something about the power of persuasion that the song “I’m in the Mood for Love” possesses when played in social settings.

After this song introduction and without further ado the band began to play this melodious tune. To my amazement, the piece did seem to have a bit of swagger to it. As I sat there listening and feeling a bit downtrodden, I noticed a fair maiden bicycling by on the green belt located right next to the seating area of the Sandbar.  Well, stricken by the musical lyrics of the song, I threw caution to wind and gave her a wink as she passed me by. 

Initially unfazed by my gesture the lass peddled away, but at a notably slower speed. With a bit of amazement I continued to watch her and see if this tune actually was having some type of romantic effect. She turned her bicycle around and began to pedal my way! Stricken by the weight of the impending situation I simply went blank! Now what? What do I say? What do I do? I was more nervous than a cat in rocking chair factory. 

Like a deer in the headlights, I became more and more speechless and braindead the closer she got? She got off her bike and walked right up to me. She looked and me and said with most angelic voice I had ever heard “Why did you wink at me”? At that moment I had but one thought. The song got me into this so maybe it would get me out. I mustarded all my courage, grabbed her hand, looked into her eyes, and said simply “I’m in the mood for Love”.

Well Jennifer and I have been happier than two dogs in in a hubcap factory ever since.  Thanks again to the Midnight Kittens or the Late Night Siamese or was it the Midnight Sassy Cats. Anyway you know who you are. The point is my friends, there is always someone on your path that’s in the mood for love.  

Signed "The Flash"

Love at Any Age

Annie was born in Belgium and raised in Luxembourg where she was training to become a balerina.  She married a US Air Force man, moved to the US and enjoyed 63 years of marriage.  

Chad did the usual US schooling, working and retirement and ended up at Touchmark Senior Living.  There he received some schooling in dancing and lost his wife after 64 year of marriage.  

Chad and Annie met and danced at the piano bar at Touchmark.  Soon a romance developed which still continues today.   Both Chad and Annie enjoy dancing to the music of The Midnight Jazz Cats who play every month at Touchmark.   

Signed Chad B of Touchmark.